Is Just Label It Controlled Opposition? – Nick Brannigan


From the start, I thought it was a bit useless to petition the FDA to label genetically modified food. There has been plenty of documented evidence of the FDA’s charge forward on releasing GMOs to the American public despite safety concern amongst FDA scientist when GMOs were first introduced into the food supply.

Regardless, I drank the Kool Aid that the Just Label It campaign was pouring. Why not? At least, it would be good for awareness.

When JLI submitted over 1 million signatures to the FDA asking them to label GMOs, and the FDA only counted them as 394 official comments, the people got pissed. What did you expect from the FDA? Did anybody really think they would implement immediate GMO labeling?

I first became suspicious of the man behind JLI, Gary Hirshberg, CEO of Stoneyfield, when I heard him in a radio interview say, “The national efforts [to label GMOs] ultimately will trump these state ones.” This was in July, 2012 when the California State Labeling Initiative, Prop 37, was really picking up steam.

Regarding Michael Taylor, the FDA food safety czar, who just happened to be the former VP of Monsanto, Hirshberg said, “It’s not really fair to pick on Michael. I happen to know Michael and he’s a very good guy.” It’s not really fair to unknowingly feed billions of people unsafe GMO food either, Gary. Continue reading

Why Is The GMO Hepatitis B Vaccine Given To Newborn Babies?

Source: Barbara H. Peterson – Farm Wars

In the United States, the Hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccine is scheduled to be given to babies at birth. Since babies do not normally go out and indulge themselves in high risk behavior such as tattooing, body piercing, IV drug use, sharing needles with others, having sex with multiple partners, or engaging in any high risk activity other than being born in a hospital, and “the duration of protection after hepatitis B vaccination of infants is unknown,” why give them the shot?
Please read the rest of Barb’s post at Farm Wars »

The Cancer Report

This documentary explains the Rockefeller influence on the health care industry, and particularly how safe alternatives have been silenced in favor of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Going back to the early twentieth century, this movie explains how it all got started, and why we are in our current health care predicament. It then provides cures for those suffering with cancer.

Obama Admin Cites ‘Int’l Permission,’ Not Congress, As ‘Legal Basis’ For Action In Syria

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution – but that the United States is subservient to, and takes its marching orders from, the United Nations and NATO – international bodies over which the American people have no influence.

In an effort to re-affirm the fact that “the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution,” Republican Congressman Walter Jones has introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives.

The full text reads;

“Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.”

Stop Feeding The Damn Parasites!

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. These drugs do cause addiction, however most “doctors” would call this dependence because you do not have to take an increasing dose over time. They are completely fine with you being addicted to the same amount of any given drug on a daily basis. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs. (Ex: Paxil (Paroxetine), Zoloft (Sertraline), Prozac, Wellbutrin (Bupropion), Effexor, Seroquil, Ultram (Tramadol), etc.)

Psychopaths Rule The World

The Devaluation of Human Life

They claim to act on our behalf, but they do not answer to us. They kill in the interests of the state, not the people. They rationalize it. They convince themselves of obvious contradictions and shrug it off without the slight bit of irony.

A Nobel Peace Prize winner being hailed as a promoter of unity and peace even as he supports the overthrow and execution of a head of state by terrorists.

It is a good deal more than hypocrisy, when psychopathic, paranoid parasites rule the world…

Quit Being A Damn Consumer!
Who Are The Zionist Psychopaths?
Defending Yourself Against The Psychopath!